Group Series

The Digital Fast

Welcome to the home of our Fall Community Group Series: The Digital Fast. Below you'll find the videos for each lesson in the series as well as discussion questions for each lesson.  Just click on each link to show content.

Lesson #1 - Clarity to hear from God

This video discusses:

  • the importance of doing a digital fast
  • the 4 phases of digital fast
  • recommendations for engaging in the fast


  • This video is supplemented by Chapters 1-5. 
  • Chapter 5 in particular will help you prepare for the fast

    • Reread Romans 12:2 - Do you agree that smart phones are effective at conforming us to the world? What about screen time in general? 
    • What are the ways in which you find your phone (or screens in general) distracting you?
    • What on your phone would you consider utility, and what would you consider distraction? 
    • Of the list of recommendations for your phone, which ones are you most interested in trying and why? (1. Turn off notifications 2. Let your phone sleep in another room 3. Make your smart phone dumb 4. Eliminate or reduce other screens 5. Use work apps only during work hours)
    • What specifically might a digital fast look like for you? If you already have your plan, share the plan with your group.
    • See additional questions below
    • What is your initial reaction to the idea of doing a digital fast for 4 weeks?
    • What about a digital fast seems most challenging for you?
    • What could be the benefits of doing a digital fast for you?
    • If you spend the next week observing your digital behavior, what do you think you'll discover? or If you've already observed your digital behavior, what did you discover?
    • What was your score on the smartphone compulsion test? How did you feel about the results? (see resources below or P. 3-4 of Digital Fast book)
  • The Digital Fast Observation Guide

    • Provides specific questions to help you observer your phone and screen behavior and habits
    • This resource provides specific recommendations for phones and screens during the digital fast.  It can help you get ideas for ways to detach.  
    • This self-test will help you measure your level of phone compulsion.

Managing Smart Phones as Parents

This video discusses: 

  • How parent's smart phone usage effects our relationship with our kids
  • How smart phones have affected kids and teens
  • Specific suggestions for when and how to give smart phones and social media to kids

    • Have you ever had your phone (or screens in general) distracting you from your kids? What does this look like for you?
    • As a parent, have you felt the pressure to get your kids a smart phone or let them have social media?
    • What is your reaction to the 4 norms for kids phone and social media? 1. No smart phones before age 14. 2. No social media before 16. 3. Phone free schools. 4. Far more free play and independence. 
    • Which do you think is the hardest to navigate or commit to as a parent?
    • How might you navigate these conversations with your kids or teens?
  • Filter Curriculum

    FILTER is a digital well-being and online safety curriculum designed to empower young people to set boundaries, create good habits, and achieve healthier relationships with technology. Through education, we truly believe we can change the way these devices are impacting students, prevent problems before they start, and create a better world for this generation and generations to come.

    The Aro app and Box

    The Aro app and charging box work hand in hand to help you develop the habit of putting down your phone when you want to focus, engage, connect, or simply be present.

    The Gabb Phone

    The Gabb phone is also an excellent option for parents wanting to ensure their children aren’t exposed to the full scope of digital technology too early.

Sabbath and Restoration

This video discusses:

  • The Digital Fast shouldn't just be about abstaining, but adding
  • What Sabbath means
  • How Jesus wants to use this time to help restore us

    • So far, has the Digital Fast felt more losing/abstaining from something or more like an invitation to something?
    • Sabbath is meant to draw our attention to God's active work of restoration.  Is it hard for you to believe God is actively working on restoration? Why?
    • In the John 5 passage, Jesus asks the man "Do you want to get well?" What were the implications of that question?
    • Are there times in our lives where we don't want to get well? Why might that be?
    • Have you seen or experienced examples of yourself or someone else using screens to prevent what might come up if we get quiet? 
    • Are there areas of your life that God is wanting to restore or a deeper work God may be trying to do in your life?
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Paying Attention to TIme

This video discusses: 

  • The need for us to pay attention to our time
  • Our time is limited, sacred, and spoken for

    • How often do you think about your time?
    • When you think about your time, what is it you think about? 
    • What do we need to do to be better at understanding and acting on the idea that our time is limited?
    • Why is our use of our time so closely connected with God's mission for us?
    • As you've engaged in the digital fast, how has your perception of how you use your time changed?

Final Lesson - Digital rule of Life

This video discusses:

  • Creating a digital rule of life: an intentional plan for your digital consumption going forward
  • Specific ideas and suggestions for creating a digital rule of life

Book: Chapter 10

    • Look at the digital rule of life creation guide (see resources + also P. 195-199)
    • Discuss the questions in the section "Healthy Phone Routines". When will you not use your phone? What apps are unhealthy for you?
    • Discuss "Best Practices" section which of these practices appeal to you? Which might you implement and why?
    • What big insights came out of the last 4 weeks?
    • What did you learn about God, yourself, others?
    • What was hardest for you during the fast?
    • What did you enjoy the most?
    • What changes have made the greatest impact for you?
    • What changes will you continue going forward?
  • Digital Rule of Life Creation

    This resource can help you work on a specific plan for how you want to manage your phone and other screens.  

Fast PHase Discussion Questions

These questions correspond to questions in the book for each week of the fast. These questions are an opportunity for group members to share their weekly reflections from the journal with their group.

  • Book: Chapter 6

    • What do you want to learn or experience during the digital fast? 
    • Reflecting on John 10:10 - Are you aware of areas of your life where the enemy has succeeded in stealing, killing and destroying?
    • What would it look like for you to get away and spend time with your Heavenly father in the next few days? 
    • Do you find resting easy or difficult?
    • How can the absence of devices open additional time for you to observe sabbath?
  • Book: Chapter 7

    • What have you been most challenged by so far with the digital fast?
    • Has the fast surfaced any habits or temptations you hadn't been aware of?
    • Is there any way digital devices have become an idol for you? 
    • When was the last time you've experienced satisfaction and delight? What about satisfaction and delight in God?
    • Is there anywhere you feel shackled or enslaved by something in your life?
  • Book: Chapter 8

    • When was the last time your soul felt refreshed? What contributed to that?
    • Is there anything you're praying for and need the faith to trust God's character?
    • What would you like to see God do in your heart and life by the end of the fast?
    • What has delighted you during these digital free days?
    • What delights would you like to focus on during the remainder of the fast?
  • Book: Chapter 9

    • What habits from the 4 week fast do you want to carry forward?
    • How could a changed relationship with your screens produce more fruit and good works in your life?
    • Reflecting on Galatians 5, what fruit of the spirit would you like to see more of in your life?
    • How have you experienced Jesus love for you recently?
    • What is Jesus asking of you and your life regarding your relationship with digital technology and your devices?

Digital fast Resources